Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Pentru Tine, Pentru Tine...

I sat down to a plateful of mamaliga and began talking to my host mom about her day. She said she had seen a program about a person weighing 200 kilograms (= approximately 440 pounds) and how they had to push her through a window to get her to the hospital. What was really great about it, was that she said "I knew it was in America, because they lady was talking and she said 'I love you' and I know that, that is te iubesc, and I know that." I was so proud. My host mom and host niece are learning more and more words with each passing week. My host niece can already say "hello, goodbye, goodnight, I love you, yes, no, please, and Merry Christmas." When I begin singing "Jingle Bells" she chimes right in clapping her hands and singing "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells!" I even taught her a song in Romanian, Pentru Tine (For You) and she sings that around the house. When you tell her to sing she begins to sing Pentru Tine. She is very smart and picks up on words you say, and yes she can be cute at times. She likes to run up to me, hugging my torso and saying "you love me?" I of course say "yes, I love you, do you love me?" To that, she replies "of course." It is quite nice and almost works as a stand in for my wonderful niece in America...almost.
I am going to get my hair dyed tomorrow. I have dyed my hair dark brown twice, and even tried to highlight it a light caramel...not turning totally out. I called up one of my students’ mom to ask her if she could help me out. She is a hairstylist, and works out of her home. So after lunch today I walked to her house to figure out just what we would do. We flipped through hairstylist magazines and discussed the sad saga that is my hair. So the plan is to highlight my hair, first with bleach...to make it golden. Then color the highlights a bright red. The end result is I will have golden an bright red highlights. It sounds very strange I understand, but I am completely stoked. I am happy that I am in a country where this hair color combination is absolutely gorgeous, hahahaha. Women’s hair here ranges from natural to every shade of red, purple, pink, and orange. Don’t worry, I won’t be going back to pink just quite yet.


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