Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Jogger's Journal

I have started a crusade to rid myself of the Winter flubber, now that it is warmer and I no longer need its warmth. I have started, once again, to jog. I don't know that you can call it jogging, as it is just a mere second faster than walking. Still, it is a reason for me to be out and about and to work on my tan even if I am still bundled up in a 3/4 length shirt and capri pants. I am lucky to have a handful of neighboring villages that I can run to, Todiresti, Agronomovca, Alexeevca, Bumbata, Tescureni, and others that I haven't ventured upon. The sign pointing towards Alexeevca says it is 5k but the trek there is shorter than my journey to Todiresti, which is 3k. I asked my host mom if she knew anything about the validity of the sign and she said, "people just write something." Solves that mystery.

I have confirmed everyone's suspicion of me being crazy, by running in the rain yesterday. By the time I completed my run, I was dry again.

I see some interesting things while running.

Here are some of the things I have seen/done/heard/gone on my, so far, week's worth of running:
Two ducks fornicating in my path
Running through a herd of sheep
Using Cows as indicators of distance
Outrunning cars on the road (not saying anything as to my running speed)
Several people stopping to ask if I need a ride
Leaping over cow/horse piles
Being the only person for an approximate 2k circle amongst green fields
I haven't passed a drunk man, but I am sure they are just covering it up well
The many varieties of cow moos
Cars driving off into the dirt on the side of the road to dodge shallow potholes that could potentially damage some part of their car (geesh)


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