Thursday, October 27, 2005

Perfect Timing Predicament

If you believe in fate, then you believe in perfect timing.
If not, then it is only a matter of possessing good or bad luck.
I believe that perfect timing is in your head. It is an excuse people use to delay an action, afraid of the possible outcome. If you wait for the perfect time to act, it will never come.
I will use the example of a man looking to propose to his girlfriend. If he is nervous about it and slightly unprepared, then the timing, of course, will not be perfect. If he is not ready to act upon his desire then the day will be too cloudy, people too rude, or not enough time. The excuses to postpone the event will be endless. However, if he is really certain about his action, and is completely and ready to propose to his girlfriend, then the timing will be perfect. The day will be balmy, people hospitable, and everything will be leisurely.
You chose your timing. Once you have decided on a course of action and are completely ready to accept the possible outcomes, it will be the perfect time. If not, then, of course, you will delay, dismissing it as not being the right time. The stars don't align and fate doesn't pop its head out of the clouds to tell you that your time is now. You make it happen all on your own. Knowing that kind of takes the romanticism and fantasy out of life, huh? I don't think so. It simply means that you are the sole person in charge of your life and your destiny. And that is some powerful stuff.


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