Thursday, March 16, 2006

Gunter, Hansel and Peter Pan

Today comes close to marking the 3rd month there has been snow on the ground. Waking up to freshly laid snow on the ground and blowing around did nothing to damage my mood. I don't know what I did, other than totally rock, but I had a great day. It has been a long time since I have been excited and felt great about the day I had. I did only have two classes today starting at 1pm and English Club, but I accomplished great things. My two classes involved many word games, provided by a wonderful activity book. The students enjoyed it and it was a break from the boring text. I get tired of the text and if it isn't fun for me then it isn't fun for them. In English Club we created our own crossword puzzle, made a monthly expense chart as if we were living in America, and played a detective game using a fake dollar bill (made by me, of course). Next week I will break out a dvd to show them...probably Mean Girls.
When I got home, my host mom had the ingredients set out to make pizza on slices of bread, and I jumped around gleefully. She lets me make it, and I am more than happy to, for I was the one to bring it to Moldova. Single-handedly I am sure. She is observing post (which is like lent, but you can't eat meat or dairy for the entire 40 days and not just on Fridays) so I got the cheese on mine. Yum, it was good. I sat down with my Starbucks coffee (thanks Chet) and pizza, and was satisfied. After dinner, of course, I had to play with Loridana. I taught her, or tried to, How are you? and What are you doing? My host mom really enjoys her attempts to learn, gets discouraged and laughs at her pronunciation. She will get it, I have confidence in her. Loridana is still trying to complete 1-10 but has a short attention span, as do all 2 year olds. After speaking English together, it is time to make like a fish. I am proud to have taught her to make a fish face, among other facial expressions I make on a regular basis. She does the blinking of one eye and the click of her tongue like a season pro. I showed her the story about the kid on the motorcycle with his dad where you scrunch your face up with your hands and then flattened your face at the end. She laughed. Afterwards, we flipped through a cd cover (3 Sud Est, heck yeah) and she would go through the three guys asking me if each one was my brother. I gave them all names, like Gunter, Hansel and Peter Pan and she would point to one, I would say the name and she would say it back to me. I had to giggle at her saying those names, it was just too easy. That is about all that happened today, but it was a great day. It makes me excited about tomorrow which is always a good thing right? So here's to everyday being the best it can be and to going to sleep with a smile on your face*.
*Imagine, of course, that I am holding a double shot of house vodka.


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