Sunday, January 15, 2006

Book List

I have read more books during the 7th months that I have been here than I have ever in my entire life, I believe. I am going to begin listing the books as I read them so I can keep track. And also, so I can brag about my newly found literary mind. I have read a lot of amazing books and would love to share them with others.

(These are in no particular order, as I had to rack my brain to spit out the titles)

1. The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck - AMAZING book.
2. High Fidelity - a classic...and also a film
3. Twice Told Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne - a very good read, what a talented writer
4. Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - took awhile to get through, the material is very heavy and intense, but thought provoking
5. Hypocrite in a White Poufy Dress - clever stories about a woman's life growing up
6. Stolen Lives - AMAZING, and terrifyingly true
7. Catching Alice - could almost be considered a chick book
8. Icy Sparks - Oprah must have been on something when she put it on her book list.
9. Justice - AMAZING, and also, terrifyingly true stories about how the justice system failed
10. Widow for One Year - I like how the story is divided...great story
11. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - a classic and quick read
12. Nickel & Dimed - this book let me down, I thought it would be better...not worth the time, doesn't prove anything
13. Bushwhacked - a GREAT book!
14. The Handmaids Tale - an AMAZING book. Sad that it took me this long to find and read it
15. The Girl with the Pearl Earring - AMAZING book!
16. Wicked - because I love The Wizard of Oz I checked this book out. Wasn't what I thought it would be, it turned out to be better!
17. Devil Wears Prada - very good story about the devil of the fashion magazine industry
18. On The Road by Jack Kerouac - such an AMAZING book, makes you sad that you didn't live when the story took place
19. Guns, Germs & Steel - a very very good book. I pick it up on and off because the information tends to be a little scientific and you have to really pay attention.
20. Weekly Newsweeks - cover to cover baby!


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